
Cisco to acquire cloud native networking and security startup Isovalent
Dec 21, 2023

Cisco to acquire cloud native networking and security startup Isovalent

Techcrunch reports Cisco's intent to acquire Isovalent, a startup specializing in cloud native networking and security. It highlights Isovalent's work in eBPF and Cilium, and how these technologies offer deep insights and security in cloud environments

Revolutionizing Kubernetes: Unleashing the Power of Cilium and eBPF for Enhanced Observability, Security, and Cross-Cluster Communication
Dec 21, 2023

Revolutionizing Kubernetes: Unleashing the Power of Cilium and eBPF for Enhanced Observability, Security, and Cross-Cluster Communication

An in-depth exploration of how to leverage Cilium Cluster Mesh and Hubble UI to build and deploy a Kubernetes infrastructure

Cisco acquires eBPF networking startup Isovalent
Dec 21, 2023

Cisco acquires eBPF networking startup Isovalent

Silicon Angle reports on Cisco Systems Inc. acquisiton of Isovalent Inc., a startup that develops networking software based on the open-source eBPF tool

Tetragon Cloud Native Security
Dec 20, 2023

Tetragon Cloud Native Security

Learn about the implementation and benefits of Tetragon for monitoring and security in cloud native environments

Cilium, eBPF and Beyond
Dec 07, 2023

Cilium, eBPF and Beyond

Liz Rice discusses her involvement with several open source projects such as the Cilium project and eBPF

Cilium Cluster Mesh + CoreDNS
Dec 03, 2023

Cilium Cluster Mesh + CoreDNS

Learn how Cilium Cluster Mesh can be enhanced with CoreDNS to provide an effective multi-cluster experience

The Big FIFO in the Cloud
Dec 01, 2023

The Big FIFO in the Cloud

This blog post discusses a fundamental issue with departure time-based traffic shaping used by BPF-based data planes, like in the Cilium Bandwidth Manager and how this method inadvertently creates a virtual FIFO queue, leading to significant bufferbloat and latency issues

Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium on EKS & EKS-A in AWS Marketplace
Nov 28, 2023

Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium on EKS & EKS-A in AWS Marketplace

Learn how to deploy Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium on EKS, and EKS-A clusters from the AWS marketplace

Connecting your Kubernetes island to your network with Cilium BGP
Nov 19, 2023

Connecting your Kubernetes island to your network with Cilium BGP

Learn about Cilium’s BGP and LB IPAM features, their technical properties and the business value they bring to modern, cloud native infrastructures



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